Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Letchworth State Park - Day Two

I stayed just outside the park in Perry, New York.  I got to the park at around 8:00 in the morning. I was going to hike the gorge trail starting at the Inn, Glen Iris; the head upstream to the Upper Falls and railroad trestle. Turn around and go north as far as I could. I got to the Inn and everything by the falls was covered in mist. I took this photo with the morning sun on my left.

This next photo is upstream from the other side of the rainbow.

A photo of the Upper Falls and railroad trestle.

Really high! Here is the Upper Falls.

Another view of the Upper Falls.

This is the stairway going up the the top of the Upper Falls and trestle.  Much of the stone work was done in the '30s by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). There is some superb stonework in the park.

 Back down and heading north, a side shot of the Middle Falls.
Back up the gorge looking south.

Looking back at the Middle Falls, Upper Falls (in shadow) and trestle.

Next a downstream view, which I think is the beginning of the Lower Falls. (continued)

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